Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 6 - 12

1. Read or am reading the following books:
- Anne of Avonlea, Anne of the Island, and Anne of Windy Poplars by L. M. Montgomery

2. Tons of school volunteer time at a different school getting prepared for an art exhibit. Hung lots of artwork and spent a decent amount of time running up and down ladders. Also participated in the classrooms with kiddos and their various activities. This amounted to approximately 10-12 hours.

3. Wrote
- Almost every day this week!

4. Edited a friend's SFD novella. This amounted to approximately 8 hours.

5. Prepared plans for the group I will co-host once a week this summer with a city worker and my co-host.

6. Kept things running smoothly while my husband was out of town for the week.

Laundry, dishes, cleaning dog paws, bills, etc. Lots more, but that's some of the big stuff.

I am NOT Peg Bundy! :)

And I love that Spring is on its way!

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