Monday, April 28, 2014

April 20-26

1. Read or am reading the following:
- Anne's House of Dreams; Anne of Ingleside by L.M. Montgomery

2. Crafts:
- n/a

3. Writing:
- Finished a "shitty" first draft (SFD) of a short 10 chapter book! Submitted it to my writing partner for review.
- Re-read one of my old stories from college. Big deal for me because I always feel like what I wrote then was so sub-par, but I think it's important to see the differences.

4. Still managing lots of "to do" projects like getting the front storm door replaced, setting up our lawn service, etc.

5. Gardening:
- Weeded the 4 X 6 garden.
- Weeded half of the 2 X 6 garden.
- Came up with the plan for both gardens and containers for this summer.

Lots else going on, but that's the big stuff.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 6 - 12

1. Read or am reading the following books:
- Anne of Avonlea, Anne of the Island, and Anne of Windy Poplars by L. M. Montgomery

2. Tons of school volunteer time at a different school getting prepared for an art exhibit. Hung lots of artwork and spent a decent amount of time running up and down ladders. Also participated in the classrooms with kiddos and their various activities. This amounted to approximately 10-12 hours.

3. Wrote
- Almost every day this week!

4. Edited a friend's SFD novella. This amounted to approximately 8 hours.

5. Prepared plans for the group I will co-host once a week this summer with a city worker and my co-host.

6. Kept things running smoothly while my husband was out of town for the week.

Laundry, dishes, cleaning dog paws, bills, etc. Lots more, but that's some of the big stuff.

I am NOT Peg Bundy! :)

And I love that Spring is on its way!

April 13-19

1. Read or am reading the following books:
- Anne's House of Dreams by L. M. Montgomery
- The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde

2. Crafts:
- Wove in loose ends for 5 blocks for the Warm Up America afghan
- Crocheted a few rows of the 2nd half of my sweater
Thank goodness for Knit Night!

Still having a fair amount of soreness in my right arm, so trying to baby it.

3. Wrote
- Almost every day this week!

4. Managing lots of little "to do" items around the house like getting the kitchen sink fixed, etc.

Laundry, dishes, bills, etc.

Lots more, but that's some of the big stuff.

I am NOT Peg Bundy! :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

March 30 - April 5

1. Read or am reading the following books:
- The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Giaman

2. Crafts:
- Meandering Rib Scarf - over 65% complete

3. Wrote
- Almost every day this week!

4. Lots of school volunteer time - elementary school book fair for almost 8 hours, plus PTA stuff.

5. Dealing with a sick kiddo for 2 days.

6. Keeping things running smoothly while my husband was out of town for the weekend.

Laundry, dishes, cleaning dog paws, bills, etc.

Lots more, but that's some of the big stuff.

I am NOT Peg Bundy! :)